Tag Archives: Free printable

Halloween Candy Venn Diagram FREE Printable

Do you have a ridiculous amount of Halloween candy at your house? I sure do! While I’m not sneaking bits of chocolate goodness, I’m trying to think of creative ways to incorporate this candy into a lesson. Thus, I created the Halloween Candy Venn Diagram. And now I’m sharing it with everyone as a FREEBIE!


Venn Diagram.jpg

Basically, you grab two similar-yet-different candies and you compare and contrast the two. This teaches sorting skills, language skills, comparison, similarities, differences. This activity introduces new descriptive vocabulary, description, scientific investigation, and mathematical sorting skills to your elementary age student.

We compared and contrasted Milk Duds and Dots. It was a hit. Both come in boxes, both are chewy, one is chocolate, the other fruity. Lots of fun ways to compare and contrast. {Plus you get to eat it, so that’s cool too.} Buggy loved it so much, he asked if we could do another one as soon as we finished our first compare/contrast worksheet. I told him maybe tomorrow. Ha.

You could compare: M&M’s and Skittles. 3 Musketeers and Milky Ways. Nerds and Gum Drops. Have fun with it. Use what you have. 🙂

Get your FREE Halloween Candy Venn Diagram right here {or just click on the image- I like to make things simple}.



Image is copywritten exclusively by mommyponders.com. Copies may be made for personal use, but please do not distribute the PDF as your own work, use it for profit, for public use, or link directly to it on your site. You may link to this webpage to share the worksheet with others. Thanks! 

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Filed under Activities, Halloween Fun, Kitchen Table Classroom, Uncategorized

Friday Freebie: Philippians 4:13 Memory Verse Printable

Every week, I introduce a new memory verse for Little and we sing songs about this verse, I usually make up motions to help him memorize it, and I’ll often scour the internet for any kind of printable to go along with it. Sometimes I’m lucky and I find a cute printable to help him remember it, but this time I couldn’t find anything so I just made one myself.

I thought you might enjoy collecting different memory verse helpers to hang around your own home to help you as your write the word of the Lord on your child’s heart. So for a Friday treat, here’s a free Philippians 4:13 printable with cute images to help your little ones remember the key aspects of the verse! Clink the link below for the pdf. Enjoy!

Philippians 4 13cPhilippians 4 13 pdf




Filed under Kitchen Table Classroom, Learning at Home